Pilots are consistently training, honing their skills, and learning new ones. an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate is required to fly for an airline (and for most other jobs flying jets). Here are some of the most common courses pilots learn:
Airline Transport Pilot
Primary Training
Private Pilot
Instrument Rating
Commercial Pilot
Instructor Ratings
Additional Programs
Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI)
CFI - Instrument
CFI - Multi Engine
High Performance Endorsement
Complex Endorsement
Hour Building
Multi Engine Add-On
Private Pilot
The FAA Requirements:
Minimum of 30 Hours of flight training.
10 Hours of Solo flight.
English Proficient
TSA Authorization
Pass a Written Exam.
Pass an Oral and Practical Exam.
Recommended aircraft:
Cessna 152​
Piper Archer
Commercial Pilot
The FAA Requirements:
Minimum of 250 Hours of flight time.
10 Hours of Solo flight.
English Proficient
Pass a Written Exam.
Pass an Oral and Practical Exam.
Recommended aircraft:
Cessna 152​
Piper Archer
Piper Twin Comanche (10 Hours Dual Training)
The FAA Requirements:
Minimum of 30 Hours of flight training.
10 Hours of Solo flight.
English Proficient
TSA Authorization
Pass a Written Exam.
Pass an Oral and Practical Exam.
Recommended aircraft:​
Piper Archer
Cessna 152
Airline Transport Pilot
The FAA Requirements:
Minimum of 1,500 Hours of total time.
​500 Hours of Cross Country
250 Hours Pilot In Command
100 Hours at Night
English Proficient
Of Good Moral Character
Pass a Written Exam.
Pass an Oral and Practical Exam.
Recommended aircraft:
Piper Twin Comanche
Cessna 152​ (Time Build)
Multi Engine
The FAA Requirements:
Minimum of 3 Hours of flight training.
Teach to Proficiency
English Proficient
TSA Authorization
Pass an Oral and Practical Exam.
Recommended aircraft:
Piper Twin Comanche
Flight Instructor
The FAA Requirements:
Hold a Commercial Certificate​
Pass Multiple Written Exams.
Pass Oral and Practical Exams.
Recommended aircraft:
Cessna 152​
Piper Archer
Piper Twin Comanche
Private Pilot
Come see the world from our point of view! A private pilot certificate teaches you all the basics to safely fly on your own and is the first step for all professional and leisure pilots.
The first step is to try a discovery flight and see how it feels to fly an airplane yourself!
About Me
17 years old
English proficient
TSA approval
Minimum 30 hours flight training
Minimum 10 hours solo flight
Pass a written test
Pass an oral and practical test with a pilot examiner
Heading 5
Cessna 152
Piper Archer
Study Materials​
Online ground school
Pilot's Handbook of
Aeronautical Knowledge
Airplane Flying Handbook
Pilot's Supplies​
Kneeboard and Charts (or iPad and ForeFlight)
E6B Flight Computer
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While the FAA requires a minimum of 40 hours, most students require around 70-80 before they are ready for their checkride.
Total expense depends on hours
required but is typically
Time and Cost
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Fly for pleasure or personal
Act as pilot in command while carrying passengers.
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Instrument Rating
Private pilot
TSA approval
Minimum 15 hours instrument flight training
Minimum 50 hours of cross-country flight as PIC
Minimum 40 hours flight in instrument conditions
Pass a written test
Pass an oral and practical test with a pilot examiner
Heading 5
Cessna 152 (hour building)
Piper Archer (checkride)
Study Materials​
Online ground school
Pilot's Handbook of
Aeronautical Knowledge
Instrument Flying Handbook
Pilot's Supplies​
Private pilot supplies
IFR Charts (or ForeFlight)
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Many students can work together to build experience together, leaving 20-30 hours of preparation with your instructor.
Total expense depends on hours
required but is typically
Time and Cost
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Fly through clouds and poor visibility.
File and fly instrument flight plans.
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Commercial Pilot
Private pilot
Minimum 250 hours
Minimum 20 hours of flight training
Pass a written test
Pass an oral and practical test with a pilot examiner
Heading 5
Cessna 152 (hour building)
Piper Archer (checkride)
Study Materials​
Online ground school
Pilot's Handbook of
Aeronautical Knowledge
Airplane Flying Handbook
Pilot's Supplies​
Private pilot supplies
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Many students can work together to build experience together, leaving 20-30 hours of preparation with your instructor.
Total expense depends on hours
required but is typically
Time and Cost
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Accept payments to fly for hire in operations such as tours, private plane owners, charters, or aerial firefighting.